From: Andrew Robertson <>
To: ODG <>
Date: 02/04/2020 01:06:34 UTC
Subject: ODG: Obligations X Conference update

For those who were planning to attend Obligations X in July, a message from the conference conveners:



Dear Obligations X Conferees:


We hope this message finds you and yours as well as can be expected under the present circumstances.


We are writing to inform you of what you probably have already anticipated – in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, Obligations X, currently scheduled for July 14-17, must be postponed.  We are very sorry not to have the chance to convene this summer in Cambridge, and to see and learn from all of you.  


Our fond hope is that we will be able to hold the conference, more or less with its current line-up of speakers, panels, and papers, in the summer of 2021.  However, we cannot yet say for certain whether that timing will work, as it obviously depends on how things develop around the world.  And of course we realize that many of you may be facing new and challenging situations in the coming months. 


We will be in touch again when we have further information about new plans for Obligations X.  In the meantime, you can expect to receive refunds for any registration and housing payments you have made within about a week’s time.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any of us.


Wishing you the very best,


John, Andrew, and Henry